Wizer Free Security Awareness Blog

Your Security Awareness Plan: Month 1

Written by Gabriel Friedlander | Dec 31, 2023 1:48:50 PM

Establish The Building Blocks

Lay the foundation for your 2024 security awareness plan with a 20-minute annual training. Why 20 minutes? Our data shows that if training goes longer than this engagement goes down and employee frustration goes way up.

To keep the team engaged and not overloaded, choose from one of our pre-set annual training courses:

Level 1 - Is all about the basics, like what is MFA and phishing. 
Level 2 - Dives deeper into stuff like MFA bombing and how to handle incidents.
Level 3 - Is where we get into the really cool (but scary) stuff like Deep Fakes and QR code scams. 

Alternatively, create a custom mix that fits your team's unique needs. Don't stress about covering everything in one go as you'll get more training in March, June, and September. So no matter which level you choose now, we've got you covered throughout the year.

Follow the directions here to launch your first training

Don't have the time or team to dedicate to this? Let our team of Awareness Experts do it for you with Wizer Managed, saving you time and money while upgrading your security culture. 

Add-On To Your Awareness Plan: Monthly Nuggets

Keep security top of mind for your employees without adding to their workload by running a monthly video campaign as an add-on to your annual security awareness plan. This ensures the team gets a quick 1-minute refresher every month. These videos are super fresh and always focus on the latest threats that are making the rounds. It's a great way to stay on top of things without any hassle!

To set up the Monthly Video:

  1. Sign into your account on Wizer-Training.com
  2. Follow the directions here to implement Monthly Video

Up Next 

During Month 2, we'll continue more with the Core elements of an annual security awareness plan: the Phishing Game and Phishing Simulation.

Don't want to wait for the monthly series to see what's down the road? View or download the full annual security awareness plan here

Want to get all the training mentioned in this post for FREE? Create an account with Wizer Training to try Wizer Boost with full access FREE with a 14-day trial. Or request a demo instead