Wizer Free Security Awareness Blog

September 2023: New Security Awareness Content

Written by Wizer Team | Sep 18, 2023 2:07:27 PM

Here are the highlights from September's latest content both in the library and resources for you as a security awareness professional.

 New Security Awareness Training Videos


Avoid These Mistakes In OneDrive and Google Drive

Cloud-based apps are great for sharing and collaborating quickly but employees can unwittingly give too much access to third-parties, leaving your information vulnerable.

Do your employees understand the structure for sharing folders and how to limit access? Is Editor permission really needed for a document or should it be limited to Commentor? Is access to information granted indefinitely or are there expiration dates set to access certain files? What about apps that request Google to log in? Our latest video on Cloud Drive Security helps employees become aware of the risks involved when navigating the cloud.

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Watch Out for These Giveaway Scams on Social Media

There are legitimate giveaways on social media by your favorite Creators but scammers LOVE twisting these for their own purposes. They can be tricky to spot if we're not on our toes to double-check who's really behind a message as our latest real life story reveals.

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More Wizer Content

Your October Content Is Ready!

Get a full, ready-to-go content plan to help you with this year's security awareness month this October. You get 4 weeks of content that covers a range of topics which can act as standalone messaging or supplement what you're already doing. The kit incorporates images, videos, PDF guides, and more - you simply copy/paste the provided text into your email or internal comms channel and go on about your day while sparking security-minded conversations.

Check It Out



Coming Soon!!

You know about the public CTFs we run to help developers sharpen their secure coding skills but did you know we're creating a unique way to provide this to your dev team PLUS specialized in-depth video trainings just for developers??!!

With Wizer for Developers you'll be able to:

  • Enhance developers' comprehension of risks and their ability to mitigate them effectively
  • Maintain an ongoing, evolving campaign, including monthly training sessions and bi-monthly CTF games to ensure your team stays current and well-prepared against the latest threats
  • Provide short trainings that apply Wizer's max effort-to-knowledge ratio philosophy for skill-based secure-coding training. 10-15 minutes of training monthly (that's less than 3 hours annually!) with a short-to-the-point set of games to practice. 

It's not available yet but soon will be - be the first to know by requesting more information.

Get More Info About Wizer for Developers


Phishing Template Series: September Edition

Browser notifications, curiousity lures, automated invoices, suspicious storage space purchases and more round out this month's phishing templates to use as talking points on a few of the many creative ways scammers try to manipulate us into taking action before inspecting.

Note: These templates are ready to use in the Wizer Boost Phishing Simulation as well.